President’s Message September 2022

September 2022

Greeting Sisters and Brothers,                                                               

The next regular General Membership Meeting of the Electrical Welfare Club will be held on Tuesday September 20th, 2022, in the Balcony Lounge at 5 PM. Food and beverages will be served at that time.

You must enter through the main entrance of the Electric Industry Center at 158-11 Harry Van Arsdale Jr.  Ave.  You might still be asked to show your proof of vaccination information and your photo ID. Also, you
might still need to have a mask to enter the main building.

Our guest speaker will be Damon ‘Tiny’ Armstrong, Treasurer of Local Union No. 3 IBEW.  Our Club Coordinator, Local Union No. 3 IBEW Executive Board Member, David Hochman will provide details of new developments within the industry. Questions will be welcomed.

I hope you had a great summer filled with many wonderful memories.  I want to thank everyone that attended our Annual Fishing Trip on August 14th.  It was a great day on the water with some ‘keepers’.
I want to thank Bro. Dave Hochman and Bro. Eric Farbman for all their help with that event.  It was also great to see many of you at the Labor Day Parade.

September 11th was the 21st Anniversary of the horrific events of 9-11-2001, may we will always remember our 17 Brothers from Local Union No. 3 IBEW as well as our 4 Brothers from Local 1212 IBEW that were murdered that day as well as the nearly 3,000 other people who went to work that day expecting to go home to their families and friends that never did. May we also remember the 21 members of Local Union No. 3 IBEW who passed away since that horrible day due to related illnesses and all that are still suffering.  Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers as well.

Club Dues are due. As you know we need your Dues to support all the EWC yearly activities. Regular member Dues are $40. Cemetery Members are $18 per person in a separate check made out to EWC Cemetery Fund.

If you have made any changes to your home address, home phone number, cell phone number and or your email address please let us know.  It is so important to let us know of these changes. You can contact Corresponding Secretary Michelle Sirotic at or mail her your changes.

Please Support our Club Raffle Tickets. It’s a $10 ticket and you have 30 chances to win $100.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting, Tuesday September 20th.

I wish you and your family a very Happy, Healthy and Sweet Rosh Hashanah, 5783 and hope you have an easy fast on Yom Kippur. 

Stay active; support our club and its great parent organization Local Union No.3 IBEW

Fraternally yours,

Marc Deutscher

President, Electrical Welfare Clubh

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